Aegis Hammerhead LTI
“A fast patrol ship with multiple turrets designed to combat fighters, the Hammerhead is equally suited to support larger capital ships in a fleet or act as a flagship for fighter groups.”
This is an LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to an Aegis Hammerhead LTI.
Aegis Hammerhead LTI
Lifetime Insurance
Self-Land Hangar
1 in stock1 in stock
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This is a LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to a LTI Blue.
Cutlass Blue
Lifetime Insurance
Self-Land HangarThis digital item will be gifted to PayPal verified email address. Make sure you are logged in to the correct RSI account you want the item in before accepting the gift. There is no physical item.
If you haven’t registered an account yet, use code STAR-YNQG-NYPH during registrationto get 5000 UEC Credits!
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This is an LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to an Avenger Titan Renegade LTI.
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This is a LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded (ccu’d) to a LTI Anvil Hornet Wildfire.Contains:
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