“The largest specialized freighter available on the market today, the Hull E is generally owned by major corporations and operated with a high degree of planning. The lack of maneuverability inherent in such a large ship means that anyone planning to operate them should be careful about equipping turrets and providing escort. Their potential load (and modularity) is unparalleled, however: no other ship allows as much room to store goods or to modify towards another role!.”
This ship is a LTI token (Origin 85x) upgraded(ccu’d) to a fully fledged Hull E LTI.
Hull E
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This is an LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to an Avenger Titan Renegade LTI.
Avenger Titan Renegade LTI
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“Meet the Banu Defender, a multi-crew fighter whose patchwork design highlights technology from a variety of species. Though cargo space is limited, the Defender features modest accommodations for its crew and provides easy access to components. The Defender gets its name from the role it serves: the first line of defense against enemy attacks. That’s why the Defender makes the ideal companion to the Merchantman: one to do the heavy hauling and the other to perform the deadly dogfighting. Every Banu merchant knows an investment in defense is an investment in their livelihood.”
This is a LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to a LTI Defender.
Banu Defender
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This is an LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to a Freelancer DUR LTI.
Freelancer DUR
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“Exploration is man’s highest calling. Prepare to chart distant horizons with man’s most sophisticated piece of technology, the ORIGIN 315p. Featuring a more robust power plant and a custom scanning package, exclusively designed by Chimera Communications.”
This is an LTI token (such as a Reliant Base, Ursa Rover Fortuna, P-72, or Ranger) upgraded to an Origin 315p LTI.
Origin 315p LTI
Lifetime Insurance
Self-Land Hangar