Buy Star Citizen Hangar Flair
Buy Star Citizen Hangar Flair
Recently, many games have had this system. A housing-style area which players can customize however they want. But those housing areas are usually just cosmetic and serve no purpose. Star Citizen is a bit different, which is exactly what an MMO of this style needed.
But first, what exactly is Hangar Flair? Well, in Star Citizen, each player has their own hangar. It’s used to store your ships in one place. What’s so fun about this hangar system, is that it also acts as a home base for you, and you can decorate it however you like!
During your travels in the ‘Verse, completing missions, and exploring, you will obtain decorations for the hangar, sort of. These include posters, statues, models, trophies, jukeboxes, and artifacts.
Customizing your hangar allows you to show off your accomplishments and show other players where you’ve been in the game. Some of the posters you can obtain in-game are these kind-of old school propaganda posters, like this one:

But currently, there are a wide variety of posters, jukeboxes, artifacts, models, and model stands for your hangar.
Example of the model of a ship on a model stand, which you can also proudly display in your hangar:

So if you are looking to pimp-out your hangar and proudly display your artifacts and models to other players, look no further. If you can’t be bothered waiting for sales, or just plain grinding through the ‘Verse, we’ve got you covered! You can buy Star Citizen hangar flair right here! We guarantee it will be worth your while and you will be happy with the service and customer support we are able to provide.