Tumbril Cyclone-TR LTI

Code: 153600413154







































































































































Tumbril Cyclone TR-LTI:

“Designed for militia and security use, the Cyclone TR module features upgraded armor and a single Human-operated turret capable of mounting a Size 1 weapon and a responsive 360° field of fire. ”

This is a virtual item for the game Star Citizen. This is a LTI token, a Cyclone, upgraded (ccu’d) to a LTI Cyclone TR.





Tumbril Cyclone TR

Lifetime Insurance

Takuetsu Cyclone Model

Takeutsu Cyclone Poster


This digital item will be gifted to PayPal verified email address. Make sure you are logged in to the correct RSI account you want the item in before accepting the gift. There is no physical item.

If you haven’t registered an account yet, use code STAR-YNQG-NYPH during registrationto get 5000 UEC Credits!



5 in stock

5 in stock

Additional information

Video Game Name

